(800) 318-3500

Customer Testimonials

Outstanding service and quality at an unbeatable price. You have gained a long time customer!
Taylor Costantino
Easy to work with, quick turn around and great product. Our marketers love their new referral key tags and cards.
Kerry A Petz
As a small business, first impressions matter and the cards have exceeded our expectation!
Josephine Sanchez
Great customer service and fast production time and shipping. We have ordered from them twice and will definitely do so again!
Elise Greenberg
Great service, great price, great turnaround. Exceeded my expectations. Would definitely use them again.
Pat McNally Lowery
Duracard is an Amazing company. They go above and beyond. They have Great Prices and Great Quality! Not to mention quick delivery!
Joseph Trotter
The cards came on time and look top notch. Thanks again for the urgent fulfillment.
Kim D.
Very impressed. Super service! Prices cannot be beat!
Chris Schecter
Duracard offers exceptional customer service at the best price.
Brittany Blazey
The cards are super as always. I got them distributed today and can’t wait for the fundraiser money to start rolling in! Thanks for such a great product at such a reasonable price… and they were delivered super fast!!
Peter M.
I could not be any happier with the product or the customer service! Great communication – shipped quickly and they were exactly what I was looking for. Thank you so much! I would not hesitate to use them again. Wonderful.
Kristi Frost Tucker
I just received my order of cards and wanted to say THANK YOU! The quality of the cards is much better than I expected and your customer service has been superior! Thank you. It’s been a pleasure working with you.
Krista M.

Duracard® Plastic Card Printing
7887 95th Street South
Cottage Grove, MN 55016

Phone: (800) 318-3500